Tuesday, July 03, 2007

new logo

Bob always had a rough time getting things into position on his powerpoint slides. He needed my help. Me? I was the handsome young personal assistant that Bob hired after his promotion to VP of Marketing.

Bob had the corner office, the new title and a penchant for adultery. I was helping him get ready for a big meeting, prepping him with his powerpoint presentation, when he made the first move. It was the ol' "hand over the hand holding the mouse" trick. We changed positions of a few things and left the presentation behind, so to speak.

Imagine my surprise when he showed me the new design for the corporate ID -- he wanted to commemorate our "meeting" with the new logo. So that's how A-Style Architecture got its new logo.

1 comment:

  1. Either some people really don't think or we have really dirty minds.

    Actually I think it is both.

