Monday, December 10, 2007


What a pleasant surprise to see Wakayama mentioned online! I love the fact that their yummy mushrooms are getting some love from the blogworld. Roll it out and eat it up -- those glow-in-the-dark 'shrooms look so delicious.

I recall talking about mushrooms with my students and they told me, "Oh, yeah, my family owns a mushroom mountain. That's where we go mushroom picking." Their parents jobs were mushroom agriculture. Amazing.

So can you eat these super mushrooms? I have no idea. But it takes me back to a happy time, in a tiny village, with wonderful people and delicious mushrooms.

Now playing on iTunes: Andy Williams - It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year (A Shrift Remix)

1 comment:

  1. Actually the second I have seen of late. There was an article on a special train car set up for children.
